

理工学研究科 教育計画委員会





[I] アンケートの趣旨
 皆さんが学んで来られた慶應義塾大学大学院理工学研究科は,教育の質の向上を目指して様々な改革を行ってきました.現在の3専攻の制度もその一環として登場したものです.このような制度の良い点をさらに伸ばし,不備な点は改めてより良いものに変えてゆく -- このような努力は学問の府に是非とも必要なことです.そのために有効な手段は,理工学研究科で実際に学んだ諸君から忌憚のない意見や,こうすればもっと良くなるといったアイデアを提示してもらうことです.このような趣旨で,このアンケートを実施しています.皆さんがすでに回答しているFD授業アンケートは個々の授業に対するアンケートであるのに対し,このアンケートでは学生生活および授業全般にわたって皆さんの意見を訊いています.


  • 課程修了後,未知の課題の解決力や自己啓発できる力がついたと考える諸君がかなりいる
  • 学生諸君は自らの英語のコミュニケーション能力に関して問題意識を持っている
  • 講義のテーマや内容,あるいは教授法に関する様々な要望がある



[II] 記入および提出の方法

To Students
November 2017
Graduate School of Science and Technology

Questionnaire for Graduating Master’s Students

Taking the Questionnaire
You need to enter your Student ID number in order to certify that you are a student who is officially enrolled in the Graduate School of Science and Technology at Keio University. All responses will remain confidential, and Keio University shall never disclose any responses associated with personal information.

The questionnaire starts on the next page:
First, please read [Ⅰ] Purpose of the Questionnaire and [Ⅱ] How to Answer and Submit the Questionnaire, then proceed with the questionnaire.
We will take a questionnaire until March 31, 2018.

Student ID Number:

[I] Purpose of the Questionnaire
The Graduate School of Science and Technology at Keio University has carried out various reforms in order to improve its quality of education. One of the reforms is the establishment of the current three schools’ system. Strong points should be strengthened further, and inadequacies should be changed and improved. These efforts are essential for educational institutions. One of the most effective means of reform is to collect frank opinions and forward-looking ideas from students who studied at the Graduate School of Science and Technology. This is why the Graduate School of Science and Technology carries out this questionnaire. This questionnaire differs from the Faculty Development (FD) survey in that the FD survey is about individual classes, whereas this questionnaire is about student life and courses overall.

For example, the following facts have been shown multilaterally after analyzing past questionnaire results:

  • There were many students who thought they had acquired the problem-solving and personal development skills by completing the Master’s program.
  • Students had an awareness of their communication skills in English.
  • There were various requests regarding themes and contents of classes and methods of instruction.

In light of these results, faculty members at the Graduate School of Science and Technology have been trying hard to improve the contents of guidance and the curriculum.

Of course, the results are only used for the purpose above. You are required to enter your student ID number in order to avoid multiple answers, either on purpose or by accident; however Keio University shall never identify individual respondents when analyzing results. Your cooperation is essential to make the Graduate School of Science and Technology at Keio University an educational institution to take pride in.

[II] How to Answer and Submit the Questionnaire
Please read the questions carefully and answer according to the instructions. Please answer the questionnaire only once. The questionnaire will be available until March 31, 2018.
