2024年9月入学,2025年4月入学 理工学研究科 後期博士課程入学試験概要

2024年9月入学および2025年4月入学 理工学研究科 後期博士課程入学試験概要については こちら をご覧ください。

For Students who can take an Oral Examination in Japan (D7/D2)

In addtion to the International Graduate Program (IGP), the entrance examinaton for Ph.D. program is held twice a year in February (D2) and July (D7). Students with a Master's degree or equivalent academic capabilities are eligible to apply for either entrance examination. The entrance examinations are in principle carried out by document screening, but some applicants may be required to take an oral examination in Japan. Please refer to the Application Guide for detailed information.

1. Application Guidebook

2. Explanatory Notes for the application system

3. Payment Slip for Application Fee

4. Application Form for Applicant Eligibility Certification

*Only for Applicants who apply to 5) or 6) of "Admission Eligibility"

5. CV for Applicant Eligibility Certification
*Only for Applicants who apply to 5) or 6) of "Admission Eligibility"

6. Faculty member list

7. Application system
*The system will be accessible once the application period commences.
